Thursday, October 26, 2017

meet and treat at Harley's School

The kiddos got to test out their costumes today at Harley's school for meet and treat. The girls got quite a bit of candy and Parker was very patient!!!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Pumpkin carving 2017

Harley actually dug the guts out by herself this year

Sawyer wouldn't touch the insides and pouted the whole time

The end results...Parker's isn't carved but I plan on painting it (but you know how that goes)

Girls Night out

only one other family in the movies with us

Its not a movie without popcorn
Daddy decided that we girls needed a girls date and bought us ticket to My Little Pony: The Movie
We got to go out to dinner and then the movies.
We had fun

PS the movie was really scary for a kids movie...I know it sounds weird but that is my take on the My Little Pony Movie

Happy 9 Months Parker Mack

Look at this cutie

His checkup went well at the doctors
He weighed a little less than at 6 months but still not concerned

He was 20lbs 6oz
and 28 inches long

He is still in the higher percentile for his age so they had no concerns
we are uping his solid foods to 3 times a day and going to a little bit bigger container each time of food

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Gymnastics Tuesday

Look how high that beam is...all by herself!!!

So proud of these girls

Sawyer helped me make candy pumpkins for Harley's class (that daddy has to take to school)

Harley read this book all by herself...first one all alone

Imagine this...

I needed some fruit and veggies and decided to take all 3 kids with me to Sprouts
fully intending on only getting some fruits and veggies
ended up finding these HUGE pumpkins and of course needed 5 for everyone...

So I could get 3 in the back and 1 up front with the veggies in the cart...
and that required Harley helping pushing the cart and
me carrying Parker and a pumpkin to the registers

it was an experience that I laughed about in the car when they were all loaded

thank goodness my kiddos are pretty good in stores and want to help

The kiddos and I went to our favorite spot to eat

Daddy went to a football mommy deserves not to cook dinner right?
Katie Lou's it is!!!

Sonny is silly

I am laying in the floor trying to play with Parker and this crazy pup comes and lays like this on me

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Gymnastics Tuesdays

This is what gymnastics tuedays looks like now
Fun and then naps in the car because there isn't enough time to nap at home and get Sister from school

Papaw and Memaw fun

Papaw and Memaw came to visit and we all had a blast. Thank you so much for coming to see us and making our weekend great!!!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Sonny freaked me out today

Today I was lucky enough to get to take both pups to the vet
Boog is scratching himself bald again so he needed a shot...
I am starting a process of elimination on food for him now because the shots are helping less and less

Sonny had to get his last round of puppy shots (yeah he has already had 3 rounds, but apparently if they get the first round to early...they need 4 rounds...whatever) and he needed rabies shot too.

Well we all survived the vet and I thought everything was good until I realized I hadn't seen Sonny in a while after...he came out from under my bed with his face so swollen and ears (the pictures don't do it justice) scared the crap out of me. Called the vet and gave him medicine and waited then panicked and took him to the vet and they gave him a steroid shot while Klay had to take off early and go get Harley from school.

But everyone is doing good and Sonny is back to his normal self and Boog is still scratching himself bald...

So Benadryl for Sonny and Boog for a couple days and food change for both (since they can't manage to eat their own food)...we are starting them grain free and see how that helps boog with his skin. I can't take it anymore!!!

Last room in this house is painted

We have a newly remodeled guest room that used to be my craft room
so room for you got smaller but its nicer and finished and only a guest room now and not a catch all room too!!!
Plus I got a bigger craft room win!!!

We have our first big shiner

Harley wanted to push Parker around in the stroller while we were trying to finish up some painting outside and the stroller tipped over by accident
Everyone was ok and Parker only cried for a minute
and the sore popped out so that is a good thing...and it wasn't even swollen the next morning

Gymnastics Tuesday

Monday, October 2, 2017

Weekend Adventures

We got outside and explored somewhere new this weekend. This place is called Providence Canyon (aka the little grand canyon). It is about 2 hours south of us and was a lot of fun to explore. We even caught some sister love on camera while we were there.