Saturday, March 18, 2017

Friday Fun

Sawyer doesn't feel good if she is letting Daddy love on her

Harley wanted to hold Parker...for the picture and that was it
To say that we have had a very long week is an understatement. Monday I had to go pick up Harley early from school because she was complaining of her stomach hurting. Tuesday we attempted school and I got in the drop of lane at school and Harley threw up all over the car so NO school for Harley again. Wednesday was a really late to school kinda morning but she made it on time and it was totally my fault. I got informed on Thursday that there was no school on Friday and Sawyer Threw up all night that night. Friday I finally had to have Klay leave work early for more medicine for Sawyer because she was feverish and still throwing up. Today is so far not bad... Sawyer is getting better but still acting sick. She didn't have a fever with meds and hasn't thrown up yet today and has eaten a little more than with the week that I have had I am calling that a good day!!!

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