Thursday, August 18, 2016

Sleepy heads

Sawyer slept all day...and I mean all day

Harley even took a nap when she got home from school
I think Sawyer had a rough night last night. She came in to sleep with me around 3am and she was sweaty so i think her fever broke. After taking Harley to school this morning Sawyer fell asleep on the way home in her car seat and i brought her in and laid her on the couch and she was out all day except to wake up and drink, eat and go to the bathroom and to go get Harley after school. Then she fell asleep after school with Harley and She actually ate a lot for dinner tonight so i think that she is feeling better. She also drank a lot more today too. So lets cross our fingers that we are at the end of this sickness.

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