Saturday, March 29, 2014

Real Gardeners...Haha!!!

I found Harley some Dora gloves for helping with outside...
....And we forget to use them haha
So an update on our gardening skills
Klay's "chefs plant" is bigger than ever
I have 6 strawberries and one is red...that is 5 more than I got last year :D
I have a flower growing that I pulled all the way out and threw away...It just came back by itself!!!
My mum plant looks better than ever
My stick of an apple tree has more leaves than ever
My lemon plants are bigger and have more leaves than ever too
Our flowers are starting to pop through the dirt
and today we planted Jalapeno peppers, cliantro, parsley, and basil
This will be round like 10 on trying herbs but I am determined to figure it out

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