Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Standing is so tiring

Parker is so full of cuteness and he knows it!!!

Just another Saturday

canned some pinto beans...I can't wait to try them

its official...everyone in the Camden house LOVES beef n noodles

Daddy cracked and let the girls paint his toes...bright orange and glitter

Last week

The girls are in a "I want to match each other" phase

Harley tied her shoe for the first time by herself

Harley made a cottage out of a flower pot

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Happy 1st Birthday Parker

Never has my time flown so fast as it has since having my babies 
This year went in a blink of an eye

I Love you Parker Mack and you complete this family 
we are all left to wonder who you will become and we can't wait to find out
but please don't grow up so fast on me
I mean after all you are always going to be my baby