Saturday, April 22, 2017

We have eggs

Our bird friend that made a nest in our wreath on the front door...laid eggs
They are white with pink specks and 5 of them
The girls were excited to see them

Thursday, April 20, 2017

You never know what you will find...

We found the buffalo at BWW
The girls thought he was cute

Our new roommate

We discovered a new roommate the other day...
No eggs yet but I am leaving it alone for now so the girls can see the eggs if the bird decides to lay some here. Its on my front door so the bird might not because we scare it away every time I open the door.

3 Months already

Happy 3 Months already Parker Mack

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Monday, April 17, 2017

Happy Easter

We had such a wonderful day
The girls got a scooter from the Easter Bunny and we had to try it out
Parker got his new swing and loves it
We colored eggs, made cookies, played with water balloons

Friday, April 14, 2017

Happy Easter Parker

swinging is hard
Parker got his Easter early because we couldn't wait to try it out.
He Loved it.

Opening Day.... of u-pick strawberries

We made it out to the opening day of u-pick strawberries. These strawberries were so yummy...but they better be for the price. the girls had a blast and lil man passed out before we left.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Harley doing her thing

Harley has gymnastics on Monday
and Sawyer has hers on Tuesday
So we no longer have gymnastics day..its days!!!
Harley is the one in pink and that is her class on the front row with her warming up
While warming up. a coach thought Harley was in the wrong class and tried to make her go with the younger class because she is so tiny but her coach wouldn't let that happen!!!
I forgot the get a picture of Sawyer...shhh don't tell her that!!!

Driving buddies

Look at these cuties. Thanks Aunt Amber for the sunglasses. These beauties were all so good on the drive back to Georgia and only the last hour was rough. only 1 out of 12 hours is amazing in my book.

Trying to get a picture of them all together is hard work

Mom wanted a picture of all the grands together...o boy right?
Well it might not be professional quality but we got it done
And I got a few of just my own kiddos together too
win win!!!

Ball Game day

This was the Tuesday we were home and Klay went with Amber and Miles to the Cardinals game and Mom and I got to watch all the kiddos for the day. It was fun and went well...we got them all to sleep at the same time and they all had fun together.

Trips to Montauk

We got to go to Montauk twice while we were visiting everyone
we played on the playground with Ella and Emeri
and then came back with Memaw and everyone and ate and fed the fish
We all had a blast

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Pizza with Pawpaw

4 generations

Pictures with great grandbabies

The girls have on their cute special shirts on