Monday, June 29, 2015

My Silly Babes

Chillin with Daddy

Harley decided to put little swimmer on her legs

Because she saw Sawyer doing it

Sawyer walked around like this for about an hour...I laughed every time I saw her

Saturday, June 27, 2015

I Love these moments

They colored together quietly for about 30 minutes...thats a record on silence with these girls
Just chillin and coloring
We had to get the bike out while Daddy was home
We replanted Harley's Hosta in a bigger pot

Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer Adventures

Making Pine cone Birdfeeders
Eating Popsicles
Blowing bubbles
Splashing in the pool

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Finally ...they are done!!!

My spice rack and holder on the bottom
My surprise to Klay...
A Cabinet to hold all his Keurig stuff....yeah the edges of the door needs painted because my math skills are rough at best

Last Gymnastics Day until August

We have decided to skip gymnastics until August because its SO crazy in the gym
SO we decided to maybe find a pool and try swimming this month like once a week instead
We will see how that goes....I wanted to do swim lessons but I don't want to force Harley in the water because we committed to doing the lessons. So we are going to try it on our own first

Monday, June 22, 2015

My Silly Girls

These silly girls found the stickers and they are the ones that look like lips so they put them on their lips and I couldn't stop laughing :D I LOVE these girls

Look at what we've done

This frame and all that wood cut in the top middle is for 3 projects and I cute them ALL BY MYSELF tonight and I have all my fingers still :D
Klay built me a stand, I painted it, and we installed it...yes I need a step stool but I LOVE it
I installed another knife holder by MYSELF today
I found and drew up plans for all that wood I cut and went to Lowes to get it today with the girls and BY MYSELF
unloaded all the boxes that were here BY MYSELF yesterday while Klay watched the girls
Klay hung up the beginnings of our "shiplap" and installed the toilet...all by HIMSELF
I am kinda proud of all the things that have gotten done for the last couple of days